Tuesday, July 12, 2011

To the Birth Mothers

A Lifeline social worker (Margo) said something to Matt and I that I have not forgotten.  She said that adoption is almost always "crisis oriented...bittersweet."  I had never considered this.  She continued, explaining that no mother wants to carry and deliver her baby only to give him or her over to a practical stranger.  Is this not especially true in the U.S., where abortions are relatively inexpensive and an available option?  In other words, if a mother carries her baby to term, she more than likely wanted to keep her baby!

Side Note:  Please understand, I don't mean to diminish or offend the mother who has chosen abortion.  I can't imagine such a decision is ever entered into lightly.  I also imagine that such a decision is intensely painful... and a host of other conflicting emotions.  My sincere prayer is that such a mother finds answers, forgiveness, acceptance, and peace from the man who loves her more than his own life.  Jesus.

My intent is only to highlight my new admiration for birth parents.  I was, admittedly, very naive about the heartache and challenges birth mothers face.  They may endure pressure from their partner (spouse or boyfriend) to abort their baby.  Perhaps the mother is in an abusive relationship.  Maybe she feels pressure to keep a baby she feels she cannot adequately care for.  The birth mother may be an adolescent; therefore, she may endure stares and judgements from her peers as she carries her baby to term.  Sadly, she may desperately want to keep her baby but cannot afford to take care of him or her.  As I consider the possible circumstances, I too have concluded that the adoption decision is almost always crisis oriented.

I now have much respect for birth mothers.  I think the mother who carries and delivers her baby is very brave. 

Through the miracle of adoption, God is giving Matt and I a child.  However, it has not gone unnoticed that our child belonged to someone before he or she belonged to me.  I can only think of a couple words to describe how this bittersweet journey makes me feel:  Inexplicably grateful, and even these words feel wholly inadequate.

As the church, the body of Christ, we need to seek-out opportunities to help our expectant and/or struggling mothers.  We need to come along side them.  We need to serve them and love them the way Christ loved us, and gave Himself up for us.  I'm not certain what this will look like in your life; perhaps you will assist financially, offer counseling, or who knows?  Maybe you will one day adopt!?!

HE called Matt and I to adoption... and I promise you, I didn't see this one coming!  But I am so so grateful that He did!


  1. Tiffany,
    I just recently got married, and my husband and I have talked about adoption later on because I have always felt strongly about it. I will pray for you and your husband and your new child! I can't wait to hear updates! I am so encouraged by your faith!
    Kristen Triola Reid

  2. Congratulations Kristen! Thank you for your thoughful words. We definitely appreciate your prayers.

  3. Our own adopted daughter will be a birthmother soon. As the birth grampa, I can tell you firsthand of the emotional roller coaster. We are comforted by the fact that our daughter has chosen a Christian couple that will shower her baby with love. It will be an open adoption and I believe we will be able to see our "grandchild" again.
