Donate Online

You can help by:
  1. Praying for our little one!
  • More than anything else, our little one(s) needs prayer.  Please ask God to protect him or her and to comfort them.  Please ask God to protect the journey we are on.  Ask God to get our hearts ready for the child He gives us.  We ask that He never let Matt or I take the lead on this journey.  God should always be our Captain.  
    2.   Come to our benefit concert - October 8th!  (More details on the Benefit Concert page)
    3.   Make a tax deductible donation online.
  • Clink on Ministries, then Adoption.  You can donate using PayPal.  Please, do not forget to type "Pittman Adoption" in the Purpose box.  
  • Donations are tax deductible.  Our church will use the funds raised to pay our adoption expenses directly to our adoption agency.