Saturday, November 19, 2011

Still Waiting

I'm sorry I've taken so long to update our blog.  Matt and I are still praying and listening for God.  We have begun to investigate some different adoption routes (like foster parenting).  We listen closely for direction; He still says to wait and be patient.

We do not know what God's plan is for our family.  It's tough to be patient and faithful when you long for something this badly.  I feel restless many days, but my love for God has not changed.  He is the most spectacular thing I know.  He deserves all my trust because He has proven Himself to me countless times.

I love Jesus very much.

1 comment:

  1. I remember being where you now. It just plain sucks. We adopted from Ukraine 2 years ago. We also looked at Russia but the cost was so high. I just wanted to share this video with you, I love the song, and it makes me cry every time. There is a link on my blog page if it doesn't work. Sometimes... you just need a good cry while remembering God has a plan, and yes, it sucks when he doesn't let you know what it is...
